Sunday, July 26, 2009


ZZZ, tests are coming again.. Very busy, lots of things to do.

Mock test for Geography - Monday 27th July
Test for Maths (z, die) - Tuesday 28h July
Test for Chinese & English - Thursday 30th July

Wah, so much things to do eh? Lol, I still love playing chess, my coach, Mr. Louis Cheong,
is such a nice person. He teaches very well, and is very dedicated to his work. I improved so much
through 3 lessons. Actually i have chess lessons fortnightly because one lesson costs $90!!!!!

However, because i love it so much, my father agreed to let me have the tuition weekly!! That was the happiest thing I heard in this month!! Yea, chess ownage! Besides, I m training for my piano, and yup, it is difficult and intense. Seeing my slow progress, perhaps i am taking the exam next year lu.

Anyways, no time to update anything new, however so, i did learn new things.
Go to this link and you will learn lots of new things!

Kane :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lessons in logic

Lessons in Logic

If your father is a poor man,
it is your fate but,
if your father-in-law is a poor man,
it's your stupidity.


I was born intelligent -
education ruined me.


Practice makes perfect.....
But nobody's perfect......
so why practice?


If it's true that we are here to help others,
then what exactly are the others here for?


Since light travels faster than sound,
people appear bright until you hear them speak.

....................................................................... .

How come "abbreviated" is such a long word?


Money is not everything.
There's Mastercard & Visa.


One should love animals.
They are so tasty.


Behind every successful man, there is a woman
And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.


Every man should marry.
After all, happiness is not the only thing in


The wise never marry.
and when they marry they become otherwise.


Success is a relative term.
It brings so many relatives.


Never put off the work till tomorrow
what you can put off today.


"Your future depends on your dreams"
So go to sleep


There should be a better way to start a day
Than waking up every morning


"Hard work never killed anybody"
But why take the risk


"Work fascinates me"
I can look at it for hours


God m ade relatives;
Thank God we can choose our friends.


The more you learn, the more you know,
The more you know, the more you forget
The more you forget, the less you know
So.. why learn.


A bus station is where a bus stops.

A train station is where a train stops.

On my desk, I have a work station....

what more can I say........

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Haha, Finally I reposted something again, has been roughly 2 days i guess.

These few days have become rather dull, especially when the school banned
in boarding school. This means that I cannot play online chess anymore, because it is classified under the blocked category -entertainment and games. Come on, that's my cca after all...

Been watching 射雕英雄传 for a long time already, while reading the novel. It was initially
a forced decision to do so, but gradually I understand why people get addicted to such
stories. It is very interesting. One thing that caught my attention though, was the female actress -
Ariel Lin Yi Chen, acting as 黄蓉 in the short series. Phew, she seriously is pretty :p

Sad for me, my projects did not make it to the finals, though much effort has been injected
for perfecting and adjusting the project. Well, nothing much I could do though, except Attempting
to appeal, and see whether my luck persists, and that it allows me to enter the finals. This is highly unlikely.

Hmph, these few days, I had been slacking real badly. I should start working on my tests, as they are
rushing towards me like bulls with sharp horns. And to prevent being severely injured, I have
to sharpen my armor and prepare my weapons :) lol, rather nice metaph0r, LOL.

Aiya, I am very anxious and doubtful whether i should choose to go for my grade 8 piano exam
this year or the next. This year, meaning a few more weeks from now. I seem rather unprepared, and
I do not want to risk not getting a distinction in grade 8, as that would be under my expectation
and unpleasant. I should see to it, and weight the balances.

Again, I have failed to provide any interesting information that may prove to increase the reader's knowledge
I promise to do so soon, whenever I learn something extraordinary. Wish you guys all the best,
have a nice day.

* Gtg, have to do laundry. lol

Friday, July 17, 2009


Haha, I just finished my chess tuition!

It was amazing, I tell you, I had not only forged a better relationship with
my coach (International Master - rating 2000-2100 [ownage!!!]), but also learnt
tactics and many analyzed games that would take me months to accomplish.

Also, it was a 1 1/2 hours lesson, but he thought me 45 minutes extra, because
we both enjoyed talking about chess and openings. I am astounded that I
have such a brilliant and kind coach --who is though strict and fierce, which is exactly
a coach I wanted to help me improve tremendously.

I very enjoy chess, I went for a camp once, with average players, woke up 5 am in the morning,
and sneakily played with my friend. We also studied games, and played chess till 11 pm everyday. I also challenged grandmasters!!! but obviously lost badly. Still, I love chess!

Chess depicts life, think of it, there is the opening, middlegame and endgame, each equally important, and none can survive without the other. Strategies and tactics lurk in every corner,
waiting to be exploited, value of pieces due to its mobility, sacrifices, checks... Same like life, we have to be strong in our opening stages of life, stay strong and make the right decisions during the middle phrase of our life, where we blossom like a growing flower, and fantastic when we are older. We have to plan and strategize every move we make, a blunder may cost us dearly.

My father always tells me this, whenever I do something stupid or make a mistake. Its just like chess, you cannot expect someone to allow you to take back a move when you played it, you have to suffer the consequences. If people allow you to take back moves, whats chess [life] for?

I am improving my chess every single day, I never slacken or weep because of my lost every again. Chess ftw!

Btw: toy story 3 is coming out at June 18 2010, can't wait to see this excellent and 3D movie
made by pixar animation, this surely owns!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Argh, yesterday i slept at 2:25 am, did my projects till this late hour.

I was rather frustrated today, despite my efforts in the projects, the future for both
projects seem dim and murky. I am in awe seeing that the "transportation" project, was given
not so great comments by the judges, though it was filled with content, and the web resources were
all sufficient and good.

Yes, it was indeed boring, and i am very very very tired. I am just updating this blog till this stage only, as i am sleeping soon. Later i will complete my maths assignment and malay essay.

P.S. Still upset cause mr. toh not teaching maths anymore 0.0

Fun facts i have retrieved from the internet!

1. A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death
Wow, that' s rather amusing, the cockroach hopes to find something to eat, but has nothing to stuff it into its stomach
2. Butterflies taste with their feet
It sure stinks!
3. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump
Because its too large? Can a hippopotamus jump?
4. An ostrich eye is bigger than its brain
Wonder if some people i know actually has a brain that is bigger than their eyes too.
5. Sharks have up to 3000 teeth, most of which can't be seen. When a tooth is damaged, it drops out and the next moves up to replace it!
Sharks have no problem worrying about tooth aches or tooth loss, they have virtually unlimited supplies
6. Blue whales can live to be 110 but their average lifespan is thought to be 30-90 years
What's the use of being able to live to 110, but not living that long?
7. Starfish has no brain, only a network of connections controlling their movements
The ostrich should feel proud of it.
8. If all salt in the oceans were dried, it would cover the continents to a depth of 1.53 m.
Oops, thats bad, seems like i have to float on water.
9. The female seahorse deposits her fertilised eggs into a pouch in the male's body. The male becomes pregnant and carries the young to birth
Luckily humans don't, or else i would prefer to be a girl
10. Elephants walk on the tip of their toes
Are there ballerina dancers?

How many points to I actually know:
scoring board : 1/10 (question 9, learnt from primary school teacher)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Projects Day && THANKS


Yea, most importantly, it is nice and i am indeed glad that there are people
responding to the blog, for several moments, i thought no one is reading it and
actually thought that preserving this blog was a bad idea, as my intention
was to participate and engage in meaningful discussions with people. Of course,
any form of spammage or thoughts are welcomed! (Hello, lyc, bibiana, yu xuan, thanks for leaving
your nice comments!)

Well, Notice why i didn't update my blog on Sunday? i was very busy, intensively working on my projects. The arrival of project's day certainly isn't something to laugh and smile about. It is like seeing footsteps of a dark monster, without hearing a sound. XD

I have been doing my websites, and attempting to include all the information I have collated into the web report and website. This may seem to get monotonous to you, but that's supposedly great, because i intend to create a gloomy and dead atmosphere, showing you guys
how bored and irritated i am with the piles of project on my head. (Look at my head, and you
will see my projects outcome!) LOL!

Haha, if I have asked you about doing a survey, and you have done it, then a million thanks to you! It is unlikely that people would kindly respond and give opinions about surveys, as it is rather repetitive and irritating to do so. Yup, everyone has to agree with this. I am glad to recieve the comments from you all!

Anyways, on Monday, I went to school 0.0, and it was kinda boring. Programming languages
are rather similar, perhaps in the concept. I love programming, though debugging is tedious and difficult, because I enjoy looking at the pages of scripts I wrote myself for days working perfectly. It was rather sad though my team was not included in the top 20's for the flash competition, but it was expected because we didn't finish the game. Mr. Kent Cheong, said it was a waste of opportunity as our graphics was fabulous! Thanks to Ewald using photoshop. (to ewald > i should have tried fireworks earlier, could have helped u :(

Hmm, well, thats about it for today, don't worry, I will be posting up another post for tomorrow. Dont' forget I will try to post something that is beneficial for you guys for every post i submit!
Haha, have a good day! (Smiling is the best medicine)

Getting into children's minds

Have you ever wondered why you yourself, or may be your sisters or brothers,
can watch the movie "Harry Potter" over and over and over again, repetitively, and continuously without having droopy eyes or losing consciousness?

Well, this comes into an interesting topic on kid's psychology. Before that, let me give you an example, foreshadowing what I am going to write. A young small cute girl (lol descriptive) was asked a few questions.

"Amy, what do dogs eat?"
"Good job! Now, do dogs have bones?"
"Yes" she replied enthusiastically
"Hmm, then do humans have bones"
"Do cats have bones"
"Only dogs have bones!" Was what she answered in the end.

Notice how she makes the direct association of dogs eating bones with dogs having bones. This is the common thinking of small children, and is embedded inside a cycle.

Children learns qualitatively different ways of learning from adults! There is a cycle and stage that how children thoughts develops, and in each specific stage there is a certain progression of children's thoughts. This is called "genetic epistemology".

What causes this "stages" to occur? Well it is actually because of two constant push and pull factors: assimilation and accomodation. Assimilation means to take the world's view, and put it in your own perspective. One example of what children do that fits this factor, is taking something and putting it into their mouths. They are trying and learning things that are new. Accomodation is somewhat the opposite. It is to change your view into the world's general opinions, because something in the world doesn't fit it. Basically, a child may knock himself in his head, and stop doing so because he feels pain.

The three main stages are:
sensorimotor learning: 2years
preoperational thought: egocentrism, language, numbers, simple logic 2-7 years
operational thought: conservation of numbers, perspective taking.

So, why do children watch shows over and over again? Though having watched the show once, their brain are able to retake information with freshly eyes, and subseqeuntly reinsert it into their brains. Just like why playing peek a boo with a small infant is fun, because they just keep on thinking that when you close your hands, you disappear.

In conclusion, children are not stupid when they are young. They cannot learn things like a genius, because their brain are not developed enough to do so. So next time, when you see a kid ,thinking that cats do not have bones, don't think he is silly, tell yourself " this boy is definitely less than 7" :)

BTW, perhaps one more interesting fact. If you want to check whether a child is having a good family or not, simply put him in a room and ask his parents to leave, while you enter. If he cries and screams as if you are slaughtering him, and stops crying and hugs his parents when they reenter, he is perfectly normal!

However, when you walk in and he starts to hug you and kiss you in the cheeks, well, he has an issue.

See you!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gum surgery

Seems like i missed out posting things on this blog these few days, well today i did.

I went for a gum surgery on Friday, and it was excruciating as expected. The orthodontist was
renowned, and said to be the most proficient dentist in Johor. However, my father and I both laughed and mocked this statement, as this "professional" had not only forgotten to operate the surgery, and made us wait till 6:30 when the appointment should have started at 4.

This just shows us how interesting some people can be. As such doctors, they should take the responsibility to ensure that their clients havaebeen well taken care off. Obviously, these doctors have packed themselves with uncountable appointments and thus overstretched themselves. They are thus unable to satisfy the client's needs and fail to take on the correct role as a doctor.

My father and I both agreed that nowadays, there are little or almost no doctors who are doctors for the sake of healing and treating others. Everything now becomes a pure business transaction. You give me the money, I give you the medicine. However, still, some doctors are still unable to perform a proper transaction though they hold a PHD. certificate.

Today is Sunday, and I just came back from the running event. Well, it was rather screwed up, as the CC's made mistakes in their organization, and thus the students in cashew CC are not requried to run at all. This is saddening, as i came all the way from Malaysia, woke up at 5 am, just to see the students run and take attendance. But one thing was amusing, I lead the warm up, and haha, as expected, people were going, " i am going to be lead by this guy?!?!" But, anyway, it all went smooth, as I am used to leading in warm ups for my badminton training, so it all just flows like stream of water.

Later, i am going to the hope bazaar. I hope and wish it all the best!